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Python versus PHP

 Python versus PHP... Both languages are very popular and proven to be highly useful.  They are both loose typing languages, meaning you don't need to declare your variable type before using them, and they dynamically change their value type. They are both in the category of scripting languages.  They are both interpreted rather than compiled.  They both have a bast arsenal of libraries and strong community support. However, all languages serve different purposes and so Python and PHP.  PHP is the ultimate language for the web ; while python is a multi-purpose language . W
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Linux as a free and open source operating system. It presents many advantages, but also many challenges. An open source technology represents: Faster innovation Over tested security and Great freedom Faster Innovation: Development is usually fast and sometimes too fast to be stable and suitable for production. Companies like RedHat separates the production distribution from the community maintained distribution due to this problem. The production distribution only contains the modules that has been tested and approved. On the other hand, the community distribution which is free, supports all the new features, but is not as stable as the production distribution. Over Tested Security: Because the code is open, anyone can see a vulnerability and exploit it, but at the same time, anyone can also fix it within time. It's all about keeping up to date. Great freedom: The users are not depending from any proprietary system or company, but rather, they are depending on the communit